Urwald von morgen 2019-2023

Henninger, Emmanuel, Primary Forest, Biodivesity, Protect, Woods, art, drawing, ink, pen, forest, exhibition, germany, Freiburg
Primary forest of tomorrow
Chinese ink on paper, 47,2 x 31,4 In, 2019, Private Collection, ©ADAGP
Photo credit: Le Réverbère
SILVA, VOCAT, Art, drawing, emmanuel Henninger, France, black, white, landscapes, forest
Silva Vocat
Chinese ink on Vinci paper, 47,2 x 31,4 In , 2022, ©ADAGP
Bundestag Collections, Berlin, Germany
Photo credit: Le Réverbère
Art, drawing, Emmanuel Henninger, Germany, Artist, french, Landscapes, Wood, tress, art
Chinese ink on paper, 15,7 X 23,6 In, 2019, Private Collection, ©ADAGP
Photo credit: Le Réverbère
Art, drawing, Emmanuel Henninger, Germany, Artist, french, Landscapes, Wood, tress, art, Exhibition, forest, art, project
Somnambulistic Forest
Chinese ink on paper, 15,74 X 23,62 In, 2020, ©ADAGP
Photo credit: Le Réverbère
Art, drawing, Emmanuel Henninger, Germany, Artist, french, Landscapes, Wood, tress, art, Exhibition, forest, art, project, Foundation, art, museum
Detail Primary forest of tomorrow
Photo credit: Fondation François Schneider
Art, drawing, Emmanuel Henninger, Germany, Artist, french, Landscapes, Wood, tress, art, Exhibition, forest, art, project, Foundation, art, museum
Detail Primary forest of tomorrow
Photo credit: Fondation François Schneider

A primary forest is a forest composed of native species where no trace of past or present human activity is clearly visible. They are intact (or original) forests, or forests with a high degree of naturalness that have never been destroyed or heavily exploited, fragmented, or directly or obviously influenced by humans. Urwald von morgen is a primary forest of tomorrow.